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Adaptive Social Protection, Decentralization, Localization: Challenges and opportunities...
Riskepedia: Adaptive Social Protection (ASP)
Towards Social Protection for All in the Face of Multiple Global Crises
Adaptive social protection in the development agenda
#ASP2023 | Day 1 | Session 2A | Adaptive and Shock-Responsive Social Protection
Global Partnerships to Support National Agendas: Joining Forces Towards Social Protection for All
Geek Chronicles: Adaptive Social Protection
(Interpretación al español) Adaptive Social Protection, Decentralization, Localization
#whatsnextforSP | SE 4: Shock-Responsive Social Protection: Lessons from the Joint SDG Fund...
2024 AidEx Session: Adapting NGO Coordination in Complex and Estranged Settings
Making public finance management work for social protection, lessons learned from Senegal and Nepal
Building back better: How can ASP ensure better preparedness for future shocks?